Belgium,its official name is Kingdom of Belgium.It has 10 million population,located at Western Europe,bordering the North Sea and between France and Netherlands.One interesting part about the location is the boundary of Netherlands and Belgium,you just need to walk two steps to enter Netherlands from Belgium.The impossible mission is shown in a picture.
Their official languages are French,Dutch and German,the north part speaks Dutch,south part speaks French,east part speaks German.I found out that appearances is very important to Belgians,they can often be seen washing steps in front of their house even sweeping the streets.Especially for houses,they really take pride their houses.To have overgrown hedges or untidy garden would disgrace the family and insult their neighbours.Even some of the houses are special design and unique just for appearances.
In their country,a handshake is the common greeting for who doesn't know each other.Once the relationship is improved,three kisses on the neck may replace handshake.Most important thing is don't even try to do kisses on your male friends if you are a man,or else they will bang your head on the wall.When you are invited to a Belgian's house,bring some flowers in odd number but not 13 or good quality chocolate as a gift.But make sure don't give them white chrysanthemum because this means you are praying them to die as soon as possible.Gifts are opened once they receive so don't feel disrespectful is their culture.
Belgium is listed in the five of the world's best places to enjoy street foods.They have more than 150 different types of popular food,some example,Gauffres(Belgian Waffles) which is covered with syrup,sliced fruit,whipped cream or chocolate and the well known Belgian Fries.No words could be use to described the delicacy especially for food lover.Another interesting thing is ,Belgium contains over 800 kind of beers and Belgians consume in average 150 litres of beer per person per year.Just imagine, Belgium has 10 million of population,how many litres of beer the 10 million people will consume per year.
Gauffres (Belgian Waffles) Belgian Fries
Speaking of food,they very pay attention on dinning etiquette.Except for general manners what should we do if we are invited by Belgians.When you receive a written invitation,the response must be written as well in order to show some respect.Some Malaysian will response by calling them, but don't do it in Belgium.Appearances is very important to Belgians,so remember dress yourself conservatively.When it comes to take seats , it is always LADIES FIRST.
Carnival of Binche, is the most bizarre carnival celebration in Belgium.They will celebrate this event in Belgian town of Binche for 3 days in every year.Some men will dressed up with a costume known as Giles,dancing,marching and shaking sticks to ward off evil spirits.Its history dates back to 14th century.The Giles will throw oranges to the audience no matter how many times they hit you ,don't hurl one back, its actually means blessing.
I hope this will help you to know more about foods,interesting fact,festival and culture of Belgium.

Giles Giles are throwing oranges
Etiquette- Festival-
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