The term 'Culture' is described as the way of life of a society, meaning the history, people, religion, etiquette, food, social values and other aspects of life which defines the people of a certain society.
'Cultura de Mexico' or the Mexican culture is one of the richest and most interesting cultures in the world.
History & People
Located in the North Americas, Mexico is home to a 112.3 million
people. The capital city of Mexico is 'Mexico City'. Atleast three great civilizations the Mayans, the Olmecs and the Totlecs are part of Mexican history. Mexico city has the most museums in the world with more than 160, the city also has over 100 art galleries and 30 concert halls. A country rich in history, tradition and culture, Mexico is made up of 31 states and one federal district.
Citizens of Mexico places a high value on their nation, community and independence. Their culture is a composite of influences handed down by the countless civilizations. Mexico gained independence from the Spanish in 1821.
Family is one of the most important elements in mexican society. The family is at the center of the top social structure.
In terms of religion, there are at least 80% of Roman Catholics in Mexico today. This makes Mexico the second biggest catholic country in the world, after Brazil. Moreover, 9% of the population are protestants, mostly in areas where catholic churches and Mexican states have little presence. Meanwhile Judaism, Buddhism and Islam are also practiced in the country.
Food is the best part of Mexican Culture. Mexico is famous for its cuisine. It is as complex as any of the great cuisines around the world. The basic staples remain native foods such as corn, beans, chili peppers, tomatoes, avocados, and cocoa. It is said that cocoa, corn and chili were introduced to the world by Mexico.
Much of the food is still consumed at home with the most traditional Mexican cooking based on local ingredients around most of Mexico. The main meal of the day is the "Comida", which is eaten in between 2 to 5 pm. The meal starts with a soup, followed by a main course which is a meat served in a cooked sauce with salsa on the side, accompanied by beans and tortillas.
The Mexican cuisine is often tied to symbolism, festivals and their social structure. The most important food for festivals and other occassions is "Mole", which is served during Christmas, Easter, Day of the Dead, weddings and funerals. They tend to be served only on special occasions.
The street food is the most revolutionary part of its extensive cuisine. It includes tacos, quesadillas, pambazos and tamales. The most well known street food is the taco, originated on the pre-hispanic tradition of picking up food using tortillas as utensils were not used.
'Comida' 'Tacos'

As much as the flavors of their food, Mexico has an interesting lineup of beverages. 'Atole' is one the most consumed beverages. Chocolate plays an important part in the history of mexican cuisine. Alcoholic beverages from mexico include tequila, plaque and mezcal. Mexico produces a fine range of brandy, wine and beer. They are the proud producers of the famous beer Corona.
Mexican Music & dance
Fun to say and even funnier to listen to, 'Mariachi' is mexican folk music. It is distingusihed from other types by the instruments, attire and the songs. The various forms 'Folklorico' dances represent the different geogrophical regions in mexico which they originate from.
'Goal' is the most common shout of sports fans in mexico. Football is the most popular sport. Meanwhile, bull fighting is also extremely popular in mexico. The largest bull ring is the Plaza Mexico located in Mexico city.
World Heritage Sites
Mexico has the largest number of UNESCO designated world heritage sites in the Americas and sixth most in the world. Famous locations include Ancient Maya city of Calakmul, Agare landscape and ancient industrial facilities of Tequila.
'Ancient Maya city of Calakmul'
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Created by
Ibrahim Mirnan Maniu
FIA group 5 / July 2013
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